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Showing posts from September, 2020

Marauder - Doom Eternal

New artwork of the Marauder, former Allie turned demonic foe in the Game Doom Eternal. The Marauder from Doom Eternal (Video Game 2020). "You were never one of us. You were nothing but a usurper...a false idol. My eyes have been opened. Let me help you to see, Slayer." A group of resurrected and corrupted Night Sentinels, the Marauders are enemies which appear in Doom Eternal, as well as both of its subsequent DLC releases. A group of resurrected and corrupted Night Sentinels, the Marauders are those who sided with the Khan Maykr and the Hell Priests against the realm of Argent D'Nur, becoming demonic sentinels after their deaths.

Major Dutch Schaefer - Predator

New artwork of Arnold Schwarzenegger ready for combat as he is hunted by his most iconic movie foe, "Predator". "If it bleeds, we can kill it." Completed illustration of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Major Dutch Schaefer from "Predator", and perhaps the intergalactic hunter himself if you look closely. Predator is one of the all-time great in the genre of action, sci-fi, and horror. One of the things I really like about the movie besides its fast pace, fun macho characters, and sci-fi carnage, is its gradual reveal of the Predator as it picks off our heroes.  At first, the audience is teased the creature's presence with scenes of the Predator's thermal vision, followed by the shimmering silhouette of its cloaking technology. Even when it's uncloaked, the extraterrestrial hunter hides its face behind a mask. Only during the final confrontation do we get a good look at the ugly mother F-er.