New Illustration by Chris Trefz Celebrating World Lizard Day: A Colorful Tribute to Chameleons. Introduction: World Lizard Day is a special occasion that invites us to appreciate the fascinating and diverse world of lizards. It's a day dedicated to these incredible creatures, each with its unique features and adaptations. To honor this celebration, I've created a vibrant digital illustration of a veiled chameleon, capturing the essence of these remarkable reptiles. Join me as we delve into the origins of World Lizard Day, explore the ways in which it is celebrated, and discover the inspiration behind my chameleon artwork. The Origins of World Lizard Day: World Lizard Day was established to highlight the diversity and importance of lizards in our ecosystem. While the exact origins of the day remain unclear, its significance is undeniable. Lizards play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their respective habitats, from controlling insect populations to serving as a sour...
Chris is an artist specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This blog catalogs his work, development process, and closeup detail shots. As well as articles and short stories inspired by the art.