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Friday the 13th, in October!

New Illustration by Chris Trefz of Jason Voorhees: The Ominous Horror of Friday the 13th in October.


Friday the 13th, a date etched in the annals of horror history, has long been synonymous with spine-chilling superstitions and dark tales. It's a day where the ordinary can take on an eerie aura, and the ominous seems all too real. 

This year, the stars align in the spookiest way possible, as Friday the 13th falls in the eerie month of October. To celebrate this fortuitous alignment of dates, I've created a bone-chilling artwork that pays homage to one of horror's most iconic figures: Jason Voorhees from the "Friday the 13th" film series.

The Legend of Jason Voorhees:

Before delving into the artwork, it's crucial to understand the legacy of Jason Voorhees. Born of the horror genre, Jason is a name that sends shivers down the spine of any self-respecting horror fan. This masked and machete-wielding slasher first appeared in the original "Friday the 13th" film, becoming an enduring symbol of terror. 

The series of movies, set in the eerie Camp Crystal Lake, unleashed the relentless killer upon unsuspecting victims. The horror of Jason Voorhees lies not only in his brutality but also in his ability to endure, surviving even the most harrowing ordeals.

Friday the 13th and Its Mysterious Origins:

The choice of "Friday the 13th" as the name for this iconic horror franchise has an intriguing history. The superstition surrounding Friday the 13th can be traced back to centuries-old beliefs. In many Western cultures, Friday was considered an unlucky day, and the number 13 was deemed especially ominous. The amalgamation of these two superstitions gave birth to the now-infamous date.

Despite its historical origins, Friday the 13th has become a day where the normal rules of reality seem to blur. It's the perfect backdrop for tales of the macabre and the supernatural. This year, with the fateful date coinciding with October, a month celebrated for its connection to Halloween and all things spooky, the eeriness is amplified.

The Artwork: A Glimpse into Horror:

My artwork brings to life Jason Voorhees from "Friday the 13th Part VII," where the character has undergone extensive physical trauma through the course of his previous battles. Jason's visage is haunting, his flesh rotting and torn. Multiple bones protrude from his decaying skin, and a chain around his neck reminds us of his past watery grave.

The perspective in the artwork looks up at Jason, emphasizing his towering and ominous presence. His machete points down at the viewer, growing larger as it descends, creating an even more foreboding atmosphere. Every detail, from the shredded clothes to the gruesome battle scars, serves to showcase the toll taken on this relentless killer throughout his cinematic journey.

The background of the artwork adds to the sinister ambiance. An ominous, stormy sky looms overhead, a perfect complement to the impending horror. The trees, adorned with vibrant orange, red, and yellow leaves, offer a stark contrast, underscoring the fact that this unsettling scene is set in October.

High in the stormy sky, a flock of crows takes flight, as if fleeing from the malevolent presence of Jason. Their escape signifies a warning: danger approaches. To the right of Jason, in bold blood-red letters, the text "Friday the 13th" emerges in the same font as the movie title, acknowledging the significance of the date.


As Friday the 13th descends upon us in the eerie embrace of October, my artwork pays tribute to this rare alignment of spookiness. Jason Voorhees, the quintessential horror icon, stands as the embodiment of terror, and the artwork captures his relentless and menacing spirit. The stormy backdrop and the fleeing crows serve as a testament to the ominous aura that surrounds this fateful date.

In this perfect fusion of Friday the 13th and October, we are reminded that some dates hold a power over our collective imagination, where superstition and storytelling collide to create a tapestry of horror. It's a day where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the mundane is replaced by the macabre.

Happy Friday the 13th in October!


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